
Kindof hard to know what to do sometimes! Being pulled in several directions at once! Claim I'd like a simple life and yet I include so many people in my life that is impossible! And the challenge is, I love them all! To be available to one I may miss another.
Kindof like the internal conflict of my 13 year-old son, Adam. He wants me to be a stay-at-home mom, BUT he doesn't want a step-dad! We just chatted about it and he knows it doesn't add up! Nor does he have a solution! Just a fantasy I guess.
Kindof like mine of having a dreamy, sweet man in my life who really will mean what he says when he says he loves me and wants to make my life incredible! Seems to truly be a fantasy as it does not materialize.
Kindof think I should assume that is the status quo and enjoy the journey! Might never be a destination after all!
Kindof like the REM song, 'It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!'
the monkey and adam look so much alike.
Love, Danica
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