Why I'm Passionate About Social Media

We know the basics, connect with somebody, anywhere using technology, but all the things you can accomplish are what is impressive! Companies can grab interest, engage in conversations, solve problems earlier on, tease something new then announce it.
Marketers, like me, can blow other people's horns like nothing else can do. We can reach more people in specific demographics and immediately. We can fine-tune our messages with immediate feedback.
Good causes can get to the very people who really care to bring awareness, trouble shoot issues, and thank donors and sponsors.
People who have lost touch can find each other and catch up. Those with a question, answer or other tidbit can find like-minded people.
Those on Social Media police their own. Bad behavior becomes obvious and mentioned and mentioned again. It provides a learning environment for growth, metemorphisis and change. Its options increase daily; to join in is easy.
Social Media used as a tool is the handiest, most versatile one, overall in your toolbox! It is dramatic and commanding and subtle and friendly. It moves things right now and later and even more later. Once something is started using social media it has a life of its own and will reach wherever there is interest and beyond.
Social Media is connecting people all over the planet, creating neighborhoods and communities of some of the nicest people in the world. It is quietly morphing us into creatures eager to learn, to help and to share. It literally is changing the planet into a more correct place to live, in peace, harmony and transparent truth.
Labels: harmony, peace, social media, technology
Very well stated :)
Good stuff. I think one of my favorite aspects of social media is that idea that you have a community that's willing and ready to help you. In addition to policing bad behavior, the community is more than willing to help its members out, whether it's giving a quick answer to a question, or helping someone out who is new may not understand how the community works. That cooperation is a huge reason why I love social media.
Great blog, Roxy! I love the immediacy of social media. It’s not like you have to wait too long for feedback. These new media tools seem to be great unifiers, and great equalizers as well. It’s also interesting to me how social media has strong democracy implications, and that countries not comfortable with democracy have difficulty managing their citizens’ use of social media.
If I could only share this post with the masses, I would! Oh wait...I CAN!!! :) I luv ya Roxy
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