
Have learned to dance in the rain, not curse it; have learned to move on, not dwell on stuff; have learned to enjoy each minute and appreciate those I love... Next!

Monday, June 25, 2007


Friends whom I loveth. I am blatantly stealing this entire blog from Heidikens cuz I can and she summed up how I feel right now. I'm wondering how long before I'm busted... clocks atickin!

Hello dear world,One of the hardest things for me to do is to say goodbye to a friend. It's actually almost impossible for me to do. Thank heavens for the internet and nation-wide long distance. I feel that even when people move on or move away I can still keep in contact with them. I tend to collect friends like I collect shoes or books - constantly accumulating and rearranging, but never discarding. And through all the shuffle that complicated lives bring, I try and somehow stay connected, stay updated. I know that people's lives change, their relationships change; we grow up and move away, we get "real" jobs and meet new people, get married and have children, lose parents and siblings and lovers and life goes on. However, regardless of distance or time, I will always keep a piece of you in my heart. No matter what happens, I want you to be happy. And regardless of how much we change, you will always be a part of my life.So, that being said, dear blog friends. You are stuck with me for good. :) You can't run and you can't hide. I will stalk your site until you (or I) go into a blog-induced coma and even then, you will probably receive random comments from me.

You see, I started reading Mastery of Love again last night and before I fell asleep I read the acknowledgements. Hey that's all I read cuz I was tired. Anywayzzzzzzzzzz, the author, Don Miguel Ruiz mentioned his 'Human Family' probably wife and kids, dunno. The important thing is he talked about his 'Spiritual Family', the one consisting of the friends he has chosen and those who chose him. Did I think of lots and lots of people in my life. I love you and appreciate everything about you, know the very best life has to offer is yours and think you are cute. There ya go.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Where to go

So many places to see in this world... where to go? Where to go? Lots of beaches and sunshine, scents and scenes, historical and timeless... And who might I meet? I still remember a trip to Acapulco in '85 where I kept getting the same waiter at the hotel. I think he liked serving someone who was gracious and appreciative of his efforts. Mmmmmmmm watching the fishermen catch my dinner in the bay while I absorbed the sun on my 7th floor balcony. And the cute little brown boys following me every time I left the hotel... "Hey Pretty Lady, bracelettes!" I bought lots of them!

I would still like to see the ruins in Mexico. I've been fascinated by the Mayans and Ancas since elementary school. Not as fascinated as Tawn, who knows all and is my favorite acupuncturist...

Crete, Malta, Greece, Italy, Gibralter, Ireland, Jackson Hole, Vancouver, Monet's garden outside Paris, Machu Pichu... just some of the places I would like to see. I'll start with Park city next weekend! How's that! Any suggestions? Where have you loved being?