
Have learned to dance in the rain, not curse it; have learned to move on, not dwell on stuff; have learned to enjoy each minute and appreciate those I love... Next!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Josh's Story

Josh is number 7 out of 9 children and the first to "A" graduate from high school and "B" go straight to college. This is huge for our family. Eventually I'll tell the whole story, but for now, in a nutshell, Josh graduated from Jordan High School in 2007 as an honor student, while taking AP and college classes, working 20-30 hour weeks at Jordan Commons for Larry H and taking state, with his Quizbowl team in DECA. Then he went to the national/international competition in Atlanta and took the planet! Very exciting! Then Westminster College, rated the best college west of the Mississippi by Princeton, threw open their doors, saying, "Come to me my beamish boy!" Or something like that!

This is an incredible opportunity for Josh and for our whole family. We are all watching him and know he is setting the best example for his siblings and nieces and nephews. He got a 4 year scholarship from Westminster, grants, loans, is working to cover expenses. But he is $8000 short for this school year. Mom thought she could make up the difference, but she lost her job in May and has been unemployed since, (see previous post!) As mom is quite the socially connected media maven, friends suggested we post the story on our web connections and document how effective the social media community is on spreading the word and getting results. Hence our creation of Josh & Mom Go to College! Thanks and pass it on!

Josh & Mom Go to College!

Friends suggested Josh and I try social media to raise money for tuition for the both of us. We will share the story as it is so far and as it unfolds and give thanks to all who contribute money and good wishes! We thank you in advance! Mom's story is one of doing 2 years of college right out of high school like a good girl, to meet a husband. Decades later when she no longer had said husband, she went back and did another 2 years towards her degree. She lost credits tranfering to USU and due to the length of time between. Now another 10 years has gone by. She has been unemployed for over 8 months, and hears the dread, "You don't have a degree," when she applies for jobs. Still raising children and needing to support them, she is sacrificing now, for the long run and going back to college.

Now Josh...

Thanks for the help!