Have learned to dance in the rain, not curse it; have learned to move on, not dwell on stuff; have learned to enjoy each minute and appreciate those I love... Next!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Love is All Around!
Love is all around! Love is all around! Baby girl, Tegan, and Andrew are engaged! David moved here from California to be with Anna Bettina... engaged, beautiful ring, planning the wedding! And Heidi and Berkley... he's moving here in June so they can be together. Love is all around and we love you all and thank you for letting us be part of your happiness!!! ;D
Been down most roads to the first bend, enjoying my children and their entourages, time to make a difference to the planet! Time for Roxy to have some fun and freedom, while continuing to morph!
:) If love is all around do you think it's catchy?
I Heart You Roxy!
Congrats & Besh wishes to Tegan!!
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