One, tow... six, I guess

Apparently, I'm It. The other day Heidi tagged me and I get to list six random or strange things that you do not know about me. Lucky you! But beware, I will be tagging six of you to do the same thing. Proceed with caution. ;D
One: I have never eaten a Twinkie. I find highly processed 'food' repulsive. Any chocolate and Madam X Stout from Hoppers are not in the same category!
Two: I don't like people with minivans, as a general rule. They drive slow, hog lanes and have no manners whatsoever. I think everyone with a minivan has had a lobotomy. They should drop the kids off at school and drive straight into a brick wall.
Three: Every time I was pregnant, I thought I was gonna to have a girl. I was right twice and wrong SEVEN times!!!
Four: I don't know that I am afraid of anything to the point of terror. Although my son Jason said the only things he is afraid of live in the ocean. He also, on the subject of snakes said it is totally unnatural to move that fast without legs. Pretty much at this point in life I have balls the size of Montana and take life as it comes. Of course that may also explain why I am still single. I'm not helpless!
Five: As I seriously hate being cold, I have never been skiing or snowboarding. I have lived in the Rocky Mountains my entire life, but have never been snow skiing. At this point in life will probably never take it up. Something too, about my chiropractor saying we are not putting your knee on boards and shoving you down a slippery slope! I will be all about the hot tub after others have a day on the slopes!!! Or laying on a sandy beach, soaking up the rays with cute boys bringing me frosty beverages!
Six: I love driving fast with my tunes blaring. Oh wait, this is supposed to be something nobody knows about me... I love having intelligent, sexy, sassy women in my life. But then, I'm not a man!
Ok - that's it. I hope that you have found this post educational and/or baffling. I am tagging Anna, Miss Danica, Heather, Tegan, Dave & Jenna. Participate if you feel so inclined, not required to be in my "favorites from the blogosphere" club or anything. I'm such a copy catter! ;o)
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