So, the blonde on the left is Miss Anna. Gorgeous and can kick your ass! She is engaged to David, yummy boy. They met on and very quickly committed to each other enough for David to move to SLC from CA! What Anna has not done in her life is a much shorter list than what she has done! She got her marine biology degree at the University of Hawaii although being from half way around the world in Florida. She ran a barrage of tanning salons in Idaho and boxed professionally for awhile. She is 6 foot tall and 25 years old. Her passion besides being my friend and engaged to David is puppies. She is an amazing trainer and certified canine nutritionalist. Check out her website:

Now Miss Tressa in the middle of this shot is 34, from Kansas City, yes she does know they have a football team and is devoted to her friends, family and fabulous job. We were concerned for her dad this last year but he is doing great and her mom has been a rock. While visiting SLC last January Mom came to my not so suprising surprise birthday party this year! Tressa deserves every bit of happiness and would probably like a yummy boy in her life who thought she was freakin' hot in her gorgeous shoe collection.
So, that's me on the right and the hot chick missing from this circle of friends is Lysa Scarano, originally from NY, but has lived all over. Lysa is the 'F' word old as of March... (forty) Don't say it too loud! Seh celebrated in a big way by gathering friends in the Big Apple for shoe shopping, favorite restaurant, Little Italy and all kinds of fun. Don't ask about her cats misbehavior while mommy was away... Lysa, a vibrant redhead with the prettiest face not on this blog is a rabid workoutaholic at Bally's on Fort Union! The sounds she makes while working out pretty much make one think of things better left behind closed bedroom doors!!! Sexy wench!
The thing we all love about this circle of friends is it hits 4 decades. At ages 25, 34, 40 and me at 52, we are gorgeous women in 4D. And for some of us there is extra emphasis on the DDDDDDDDD'S!!! Can't wait for David's birthday party the 29th at the Bayou! Stop by to say Hey, if you are out and about that night!!!
What a bunch of babes! Yowza!!
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